About Us

Children love stories. Children love pictures.
Create Seeds exists to create culturally relevant storybooks, colouring books, animations and interactive apps that communicate the love of Jesus to children with little access to this good news.

Like a single seed has the potential to produce an abundance of fruit, it is our desire to plant seeds of faith in the hearts of unreached children and their families through our children’s resources. And in doing this, perpetuate the kingdom of God throughout the world.

Our Mission
Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me.”
We take Jesus' words seriously, but the question is how do we do it?
A single image can convey a thousand words, transcending language barriers. Reflecting on our own childhoods, we recognize that many of us were deeply influenced by books. While in the West we have a wealth of beautiful Christian children’s resources, much of the world remains impoverished.
We passionately believe that every child, especially those in unreached regions, deserves access to Kingdom storybooks and animations tailored to their cultural identities. These resources should feature characters who resemble them within familiar settings and employ language that resonates with their understanding. Our team’s mission is to see this need met by producing such resources with a high standard of excellence in contextualized Gospel storytelling and visual arts. In this way, we are “planting seeds” in the hearts of children so they may grow up to be citizens and leaders in God’s growing Kingdom across the globe.

Meet The Team...

Meet Myra! After getting an honours degree in graphic design she scored a job in a big children's book publisher in Australia. Feeling a sense of a higher calling, she left that role and dove into missions with Create International for a solid 20 years. With a heart for unreached children, Myra pioneered Create Seeds. With two kiddos of her own, Myra's not just a graphic designer and an illustrator but also leads Create Seeds right from down under Australia.

Here’s Rick – a farm kid from Canada who once dreamed of being a wildlife artist. But instead of painting animals, he ended up training them (birds of prey specifically)! Eventually, he began to hear a whisper in his heart - “I made you to teach kids about full life, not just teach birds how to fly.” So he took off to school, earned 2 Art degrees, and then travelled the globe teaching art to kids of all ages with his wife Becky, and their awesome squad of four sons. Today Rick serves unreached children through Create Seeds as the Training Coordinator and an Illustrator.

Meet Roshan, a self-taught writer and artist who discovered his passion for storytelling at the age of fourteen. He wrote and published a novel, but knew he wanted to do a little bit more with his passion and joined Create Seeds. Not only does Roshan love to write, but he also thoroughly enjoys the process of bringing stories to life and will happily walk alongside someone in their writing journey.

Kyla is a professional children's book illustrator based in Manitoba, Canada. With a background in missions and creating contextualized resources for unreached people groups, she has developed a skillset to bring stories to life with her art. Kyla strives for excellence and versatility in her work, so she can be flexible to each new project’s needs. Her heart is that she would pursue deeper obedience to God with her artistic voice and that the works she creates would serve to edify and inspire her readers.

Meet Christine, from the quiet US Midwest. Raised by artist parents provided the ideal setting to nurture Christine’s creative gifts. As a young adult/single mother Christine acquired her graphic arts degree. After her children had grown, she traveled with several short-term missions teams, all while working for a Native American Tribe. As a result of both experiences, Christine‘s love for the Lord and passion to share the Gospel with all people grew deeply. The Lord harnessed this passion, along with her extraordinary love for all children, leading her to write and illustrate children’s books for missions.